Pre-Pointe Assessments

Starting on pointe in the next 6 months?

If you are a young dancer looking to start pointe work, it can be an exciting time!

However, it is important to remember that not all dancers can start pointe at the same age, and certain levels of technique and strength need to be achieved first.

To make sure you are ready for this next step in, sign up for a Pre-Pointe Assessment with a dance physical therapist. This will help to remove any guess work and ensure that you are ready for pointe work. 

These assessments evaluate a dancer's strength, mobility, motor control, balance, technique, and experience to determine if they are able to begin dancing en pointe and what areas need to be improved to do so safely. A program of exercises is then assigned to the dancer to improve any areas of deficiency.

Pre-Pointe Assessments: $70

  • Full assessment by a dance physical therapist to determine safety of starting pointe
  • Interpretation assessment of results and areas of needed improvement
  • Individualized exercise program provided to target your areas of weakness
  • Get clarity and feel confident in knowing what you need to do to be ready to start pointe!